Estonian music market focus day 2021


Eesti muusikaturu fookuspäev Von Krahlis. Foto: Aron Urb
Eesti muusikaturu fookuspäev Von Krahlis. Foto: Aron Urb

On June 11, 2021, the Estonian music market focus day was held for the first time at the Von Krahl Theater in Tallinn, which focused on the recovery of the domestic music sector and new sectoral developments. The focus day was organized by Tallinn Music Week festival in cooperation with music organizations Music Estonia, the Estonian Phonogram Producers’ Association, the Estonian Authors’ Association and the Estonian Performers’ Union. The event was supported by the Tallinn Strategy Center.

The day brought together representatives of domestic music and culture and gave an overview of the current topics and future plans of our music market, as well as business and operating models. The topics of the discussions ranged from post-pandemic event organization to shaping cultural policy strategies, and from the triumph of streaming to international success stories of Estonian music. A recent study of music listening and consumption habits of Estonians was also presented.

How to emerge stronger from the crisis and ensure the survival of both companies and creators? Has something new and positive emerged from the pandemic? Who will take our music to the international market? Despite setbacks, is it possible to organize events in a sustainable and environmentally conscious way?

These and many other sectoral issues were under the microscope on June 11 at the first private theater of Estonia’s re-independence era and the independent culture club Von Krahl and at the conference held on the online platform. The opening words were given by the Minister of Culture Anneli Ott and Deputy Mayor of Tallinn Vadim Belobrovtsev. Among others, the Minister of Culture Anneli Ott, Chairman of the Board of the Estonian Authors’ Association Vaiko Eplik, Chairman of the Board of the Estonian Phonogram Producers’ Association Danel Pandre, OÜ Hitivabrik manager Aarne Malmis, SA Eesti Kontsert manager Kertu Orro and co-founder and artist manager of the GRIND party series Kaarel Sein participated in the discussions.

After the Estonian music market focus day, the Estonian Music Entrepreneurship Awards (EMEA) 2021 gala was held in cooperation with Music Estonia, the Estonian Phonogram Producers Association, the Estonian Authors Association and TMW. Tallinn Music Week (TMW) won the music event of the year award, and Helen Sildna, the founder of the TMW and Station Narva festivals and the head of the company Shiftworks, was nominated in the categories of music event organizer of the year and music entrepreneur of the year.
