President Kersti Kaljulaid’s visit to Telliskivi Creative City


On October 20 2017 President Kersti Kaljulaid visited the Telliskivi Creative City and met its inhabitants and entrepreneurs.

As part of the visit, the president visited Lift99, the unique co-working and event space for startups and creative teams, spoke with the bicycling advocates of JOOKS Bike Studio, and participated in a discussion at the Club of Different Rooms, where the founder and CEO of Telliskivi Creative City, Jaanus Juss, introduced its vision. Discussions with the entrepreneurs revolved around the potential and capability of the creative field, the importance of private initiatives and civic courage, and their influence over the development of countries and cities, as well as around a vision of a seamless society. The future and possibilities of Narva were also discussed.

Photo: Raul Mee
