
Narva submits its European Capital of Culture bid


Today, Narva submitts its bid for the European Capital of Culture competition, which includes an expanded artistic concept, a detailed overview of the events planned in view of the title year, as well as plans for enhansing cultural cooperation between Europe and Russia. Narva’s ECoC bid is supported by the whole of Virumaa.

Narva2024 bid is the result of an intense effort by a team that came tory.

The second pillar of the programme is called “Untory. The third pillar – “Manufacturing Futures” ties culture and arts with entrepreneurship and new technologies.

According took place this summer.“

„Both the candidacy and the title of the European Capital of Culture give Narva an extraordinary opportunity to all our partners, including the municipalities of both Ida- and Lääne-Virumaa, our partner cities around the world and the organisations that supported us throughout this process,“ said the mayor of Narva, Aleksei Jevrgafov.

The international selection committee will evaluate the submitted bids during August. The decision on which city will bear the title of the European Capital of Culture in 2024 will be made on August 28th, 2019.

The following people contributed to the Narva2024 programme and final bid book:
Aleksei Jevgrafov, Marko Torm, Triin Varek, Ivan Sergejev, Ilmar Raag, Piia Tamm, Jana Pavlenkova, Ann Mirjam Vaikla, Julia Savitskaja, Helen Sildna, Eve Alte, Kristel Mänd, Mari Knjazev, Anu-Mall Naarits, Kadri Jalonen, Maris Hellrand, Maria Kullamägi, Ingrid Kohtla, Liina Karo, Erli Kasikov, Asko Astmäe, Dmitri Vergun, Viktok, Elina Dubova, Anna Markova, Olga Tapner, Tom Fleming, Toni Attard, Tatjana Laanvee, Juliana Janno, Nelli Buinitskaja, Vladimir Butuzov, Galina Vologdina, Aleksandr Jefimov, Larissa Olenina, Grigori Malyshkin, Tarmo Tammiste, Andris Feldmanis, Tina Allen Kollesaar, Narva Youth council and volunteers.

The Artistic Council of Narva2024 consisted of: Lennart Sundja, Jüri Nikolajev, Ülo Krigul, Kadri Laas, Karlo Funk, Mart Kalm, Irene Käosaar, Siim Raie, Mati Lilliallik, Teet Kuusmik, Vladimir Võssotski.

Design of the selection bid book:
Photography: Tõnu Tunnel, Cloe Jancis

Narva2024 photos/narva2024/albums/72157710025390217″>here

Additional information:

Ivan Sergejev
Narva2024 project leader
+372 5785 0810


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